Hiking itinerary

Charlet lake

Departing from St Honoré 1500, La Chaud, enjoy a beautiful family hike with a splendid view of the Matheysin plateau and its lakes as well as the eastern barrier of the Vercors.

On the western flank of the Tabor which dominates the Matheysin plateau, this small mountain lake reflects the ravine slopes of the Perollier and hosts, in summer, a colony of tadpoles.
You will cross several types of landscapes: an ascent in the fields and in the spruce forests, then a more rocky crossing to finally come out on the small humid and welcoming plateau of Ollière.

Itinerary :
Departure from Saint-Honoré 1500, take the direction of Lac Charlet by the path which climbs straight through the fields and then into the forest to Aux Aliziers. The trail then leaves the vegetation to start crossing the slopes of the Banc and the Tabor. A small plateau will take you to Lac Charlet at an altitude of 1920 meters. Return by the same route.

In the 1960s, a ski resort project was imagined (Saint Honoré 1500) with a link to Alpe du Grand Serre, opened in 1988. The real estate project was stopped in 1993. The ski resort will last until 2004 , the ski lifts were dismantled between 2005 and 2007.

Technical information

Sports pédestres, Itinéraire de randonnée pédestre

4.9 km

Trail type:
Round trip

Elevation gain:
420 m

Daily duration:
2h 15m

Map references:
TOP 25 IGN 3336 OT

Topographical references:
Carto-Guide La Matheysine

Difficult sections:
Vertiges notamment aux abords des crêtes. Attention par temps de brouillard, de pluie et de neige

Type of waymarkers:
Balisage jaune.

Practical information

Non accessible en fauteuil roulant
Pets allowed
Les chiens doivent obligatoirement être tenus en laisse.

Possible présence de patous et de troupeaux sur les hauteurs
Free of charge

Please note

Adaptez votre équipement en fonction de votre niveau et de la météo. Ne pas quitter les sentiers.

Contact details & information

Matheysine Tourisme

Getting here

  • Saint Honoré 1500
    La Chaud
    38350 Saint-Honoré

Depuis Grenoble prendre l'autoroute A48, sortie 8 : direction Gap Briançon Vizille Stations de l’Oisans puis la N85 par Vizille - Laffrey ou la D529 par la Motte d'Aveillans
Depuis Gap N85 direction Corps, La Mure

Opening times

All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.


Free access.


Information updated on 28/05/2024 by Matheysine Tourisme

Your itinerary

Charlet lake

Saint Honoré 1500
La Chaud
38350 Saint-Honoré

Itinerary with Google Maps