Sports / cultural / artistic

Birding day in Chamrousse

Guide ornitho prs de Grenoble Chamrousse

Hike focusing on spoting mountain birds in Chamrousse. We will explore every habitat to find as much alpine species as we can. Village, mixt and coniferous forest, alpine meadows, summits, cliffs. An opportunity to share our ornithologic knowledge.

On a half-day or a full one, depending on the species you want to spot, we will adapt schedules and places. Quieter moments will be used for chating about local species tips. We will focus on migration, ecological niches, evolutions due to climate change.

Some local or commonly seen species : black and willow tits, spotted nutcracker, common redpoll, red crossbills, citril finches, black grouses, Tengmalm and pigmy owl, water and tree pipit, snowfinches, siskins, wallcreeper, alpine accentor, dunnocks, ring ouzel, golden eagles, griffon vultures, black and great spotted woodpecker, ...

Votre hôte

I grew up in Haute-Savoie in a family where leisure activities were mainly in the mountains. After a few years of wandering around the world, I came back to the Alps. With stories and experiences in my head, anecdotes about birds and wild plants in my pockets and above all the desire to communicate this passion for nature.

Further information

Target clientele:
Children, Walkers/hikers, Groups, For beginners / novice, Distributeurs, Spécial retraités, Spécial sportifs

Pets allowed

Please note

Don't forget warm and waterproof clothes or an umbrella, and walking shoes.
Possiblity to use our shuttle to reach the starting point from a meeting place.
Taylor made, places and schedules adpted to your goals.

Gestes pour l'environnement

Knowing the nature that surrounds us is one of the best ways to preserve it. It is also to open doors to other dimensions and to see the world bigger. To look closer, to listen to know, to smell to learn, to taste to enjoy. To have one's body in motion and breathe deeply, to enjoy the world around us.

Useful information

Jonathan Perret - Accompagnateur en montagne


Jeune public

Opening times

All year round, every day. Dates to be confirmed.

Postponed in case of bad weather. On request.


Package / commitment: from 150 to 220 € (Half day or full day).

Half day or full day commitment, up to 8 people. The price is for the group.

Guide ornitho prs de Grenoble ChamrousseGuide ornitho prs de Grenoble Chamroussephoto-prestataire
Information updated on 04/04/2024 by Office du Tourisme de Chamrousse

Your itinerary

Birding day in Chamrousse

Chamrousse 1650 / 1700 / 1750
38410 Chamrousse

Itinerary with Google Maps