
Hôtel Victoria

Chambre double

Located in the city center, very quiet, 2 minutes from streetcars, accessible by car, with secure parking available in the hotel courtyard.
Spacious, comfortable rooms with shower/wc, flat-screen TV, wifi.
Excellent breakfast.

Private parking lot. Streetcar stop just two minutes away.

Further information

Non Classé NN 2009

Useful information

Hôtel Victoria


Parking / Garage, Wi-fi

Opening times

All year round.


Double room: 69 €
Single room: 50 to 59 €
Breakfast: 9 €.

Carte bancaire/créditChèqueChèque-Vacances ClassicEspèces
Chambre doubleTerrasseChambre doubleSalon
Information updated on 26/12/2023 by Office de Tourisme de Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

Your itinerary

Hôtel Victoria

17 rue Thiers
38000 Grenoble

Itinerary with Google Maps